Scrapping Twitter using R-Studio.
2021, Aug 10
Twitter API
allows the access of tweets in a programmatic and automated manner. Using this idea we can perform analysis on certain keywords and the like to draw some interesting insights. This notebook goes over how we can use twitter api via R-studio, download tweets of interest autonomously and consequently act on it.
The first thing we ought to do is call on the relevant packages.
######################## TWITTER SCRAPPING ###################################
# Required packages
> library(twitteR)
> library(tidytext)
> library(pander)
Connecting to twitter
For one to connect to the twitter server ,one needs to request for access by applying for a developer account. Once granted you receive the necessary keys and tokens.
# connecting to twitter
consumer_key <- "paste here"
consumer_secret <- "paste here"
access_token <- "paste here"
access_secret <- "paste here"
setup_twitter_oauth(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret)
Downloading tweets with the keyword TokyoOlympics
ts_twitter <- searchTwitter("#TokyoOlympics", n = 1000, lang = "en")
ts_twitter_df <- twListToDF(ts_twitter) #converting to a dataframe
write.csv(ts_twitter_df, file="tokyo.csv", row.names=FALSE)
# produce a table of 5 rows of the dataset
ts_twitter_df %>% select(screenName, created, text) %>% sample_n(5) %>% pander(.)
table showing a sample of 5 tweets from the downloaded dataset
screenName | created | text |
caashujha | 2021-08-10 17:59:37 | RT @IndiainArmenia: Strengthening India-Georgia ties in Sports: Congratulations to India-Georgia duo @bajrangpunia and his Georgian |
FingalLabour | 2021-08-10 17:30:49 | RT @JoeCostelloIE: It was a real honour to welcome our Gold Medallist <U+0001F947> #KellieHarrington & Olympian Emmet Brennan home to Dublin from #To… |
KAILASA_UN | 2021-08-10 18:30:24 | RT @MeditationWhy: Meditation on Darkness NSC 7 Jan 2008 “” via @YouTube #Nithyananda #inspiration #Motivation… |
FlipTheScript8 | 2021-08-10 17:04:33 | RT @OnHerTurf: There’s always that one friend <U+0001F485> #OlympicHERstory #TokyoOlympics “” |
Satchidanand01 | 2021-08-10 18:52:02 | RT @MinhazMerchant: @shivjiramgupta @IndiaToday Britain 0 gold medals in #Athletics at #TokyoOlympics <U+0001F947> Australia 0 gold medals in athletic… |